The vertical surfaces on a boat are defined as the ones that are in the upright position. This applies to the bow, lounging decks and other parts that are upright. Protecting these vertical surfaces is not something that can be accomplished with a simple coat of paint. Only certain applications are capable of providing this much-needed protection.
Dekit is among the products that are capable of protecting vertical surfaces on a boat. There are benefits to these vertical surfaces that go beyond the aesthetic. There is a need to protect these areas from harmful weather and the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Salt water corrosion is an ongoing threat as well.
There is also a way of improving operation through the protection of vertical surfaces. For example, boats that feature gelcoats that shine can utilize pads to reduce the glare and ease the light that beams towards whoever is driving the boat. The use of a lighter color would then lessen the onboard temperature while also doing away with pesky reflections.
The versatility of Dekit presents the same benefits on vertical surfaces as it does on horizontal ones. That is why the colors, patterns and designs are available for all surfaces. There is a certain ingenuity in the manufacturing of Dekit that allows it to possess such versatility. The end result is a cohesiveness throughout a boat. Owners do not have to try to mix and match but can use one type of foam outfit their entire boat. That kind of continuity can also help a boat hold its value, which means owners could bring in a nice chunk of cash when making a sale.
Vertical pads can also create a sleek look for the inside of your boat. In addition to protection, the availability of color schemes, patterns, designs and the implementation of a logo can all be applied to vertical surfaces on your boat. This will unquestionably lead to more appeal.
When shopping around for a company selling pads or foam for the inside of your boat, it is important to find one that can show you the finished product before it makes its way onto your boat. Dekit does just that by producing digital examples of what your installation will look like. This can also be adjusted to your liking. The technology will then make for a customized fit as the foam is shaped to fit the exact specifications of your boat.