Boat owners should be aware that they are in an ongoing fight against something that never relents. Salt water is always at work in an attempt to damage your boat. This occurs in the form of salt corrosion. While it is obvious the exterior of your boat is always in harm’s way, so is the inside boat decking. And that means you must fight back.
At the end of a day, it is common to hose down the deck before you close up your boat and depart. It is important to do this in a thorough manner as the salt water could really do a number if not washed completely away. Even mindful boat owners can get a little lazy and not spend as much time as they probably should hosing down the deck.
Applying DEKit to your boat will save you the time of having to be so thorough. This is an added layer of protection against salt water corrosion. When most people hear that term, they think of barnacles and rust on the underside of a boat. However, salt water corrosion can make its way inside the boat as it is a very real problem. And this could come with simple usage, unbeknownst to the boat owner.
The issue with salt water corrosion is that it is not going to show immediate signs. It is something that gradually occurs over the course of time. Up until now, a boater’s only real protection has been a deep and thorough cleaning after every use. However, boaters are no longer powerless against this silent threat.
DEKit has been made to protect against salt water corrosion. Keep in mind that DEKit is foam so it needs to be cleaned as well, which can be done with a quick and simple scrub involving soap and water while bleach is also acceptable. However, DEKit adds a protective layer on the floor of your boat as it is an adequate means of protection against salt water.
Boaters should be aware that salt water corrosion can impact every part of their boat. Wherever there is metal, there is the potential for salt water corrosion. That includes screws, clamps and more. DEKit is a way of combating salt water corrosion, but it is important to be cognizant of this threat on other areas of your boat. DEKit is part of the defense but is not an all-encompassing solution for your entire boat.